158 items in David Rutledge

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  • 152
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  • 28
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  • 137
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  • 55
  • 3

David Rutledge

Dave loves DYM and thinks about nothing other than his next DYM submission... and a few other things. After many years of working in the church in the states, he and his family now serve in Africa.

Featured Authors / David Rutledge
158 items in David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge

By David Rutledge