Yearbook Quotes Game

Yearbook Quotes Game

GOLD members pay $3.57
Incomplete quotes from high school yearbooks--you fill in the blank


The yearbook quote. It's the phrase that will be forever connected with your senior picture...and you. These grads will confuse you more than inspire you. You will see a yearbook picture with an incomplete quote, then get 3 possible ways to complete the quote.

Fun competition and lots of laughter are sure to ensue. This is a great resource to use on a special service honoring the grads in your ministry or some other senior-focused night.

What’s included:
Comes with three slides per question (there are 10 total questions):
Slide 1 - Incomplete picture and quote
Slide 2 - Picture and quote with 3 multiple-choice answers
Slide 3 - Completed quote with correct answer

But wait!

This resource is also part of DYM's Senior Super Pack! While you're more than welcome to purchase this resource individually, it also comes in a massive 9-resource bundle for 50% off! For just $25 you can pick up 9 great resources to help your seniors finish strong and be prepared for high school. Send them out with a bang and get the Senior Super Pack today.

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).