God, Guys & Girls

God, Guys & Girls

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Four-week series on relationships, love vs. lust, sex, and dating.

This teaching is also available on Coleader. Get this teaching and all the resources you need (games, videos, and more!) to fully program your youth group in 1-click.


There are several key topics we need to walk through with students on a regular basis. One such topic is challenging students to navigate relationships and sexuality in a way that honors God. The reality is that the world around us is presenting (and even promoting) a message that you are defined by your relational and sexual pursuits. It’s something we HAVE TO be talking about at home and in the church. God, Guys & Girls is a four-week series that does just that.

To preview a sample of the content from Week 1, click here!

Week 1: Relationships
God created us with a need for relationship. Relationships get messy when they push us away from God or when they become God.

Week 2: Love vs. Lust
God is the source of true love, and his greatest display of love was selfless sacrifice. Lust is a distortion of love. There is an elephant in the room called “pornography,” and we need to talk about it.

Week 3: Sex
God created sex. He gave great purposes for sex. He gave clear parameters for sex.

Week 4: Dating
The Bible does not have a lot to directly say about dating. The Bible does speak to some key principles to live by in dating.

A key part to really nailing (awkward word choice) a sex and dating series is communicating well with, and setting up parents to carry on the discussion. This series comes with weekly preview and review letters you can email out to your parents.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete manuscript for each message (Word files)
• PowerPoint presentation or individual .jpg slides (for ProPresenter) for each message
• Graphics package (widescreen and Instagram formatted jpg files)
• Weekly small group discussion guides (Word files)
• Series parent preview letter (Word file)
• Weekly parent preview letters (word files)
• Weekly parent follow-up letters (word files)
• Series logo slide (jpeg file)

Like Podcasts? This resource is featured in Derry Prenkert's "My Third Decade" Podcast, Episode 30.


Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).