

GOLD members pay $8.45
A start-to-finish kit to match up adults in your church with students heading off to college.


The Adopt-a-Grad kit is a FULLY DEVELOPED start-to-finish resource for matching up each of your graduating High School Seniors with a person or family who will walk alongside them through their first year post-High School with prayer, encouragement and the occasional care package.

This kit does EVERYTHING for you except find adults who will participate. This is no-brainer purchase. It’s so good, detailed, and it’s obvious the author put in dozens of hours to make this happen. Check it out.

Send out a letter with info sheet asking graduating Seniors to take part in the program. The letter is included.

Collect info sheets and pictures from the Senior. Next, build each Senior’s profile card (think Compassion Kid Sponsorships). You have the option between using an editable Photoshop .psd or Word .doc template with ready-to-enter boxes. Everything is included.

Promote the program to your church body. Sell the vision. Set up an “adoption table” (think Compassion sponsorship table) in your church. Clearly communicate the expectations. Get people to sign up. Match adopters up with adoptees.

Send out the follow-up to the adoptees letting participants know who has adopted her/him! Send a follow-up letter to the adopters reminding them of their commitment and explaining further communication. Yep, all these letters are included.

STEP 5: LET IT ROLL & FOLLOW-UP (fall through spring)
Send out monthly updates through email (or snail mail if you’re into that) to the adopters with insights on what is happening in the lives of grads, ways to pray, and ideas on how to best encourage their adoptees. Letters are written for you to send one time a month from August to May.

After the year is up, it’s time to evaluate. Do you try to keep the current adoptions going while enlisting new adoptees or make the program solely focused on the first year post-grad? Although the Adopt-a-Grad kit is built with a focus on the first year, the editable nature of everything easily allows you to turn it into a multi-year experience!

What’s included:
Seriously, there is so much stuff in this particular download, we’re not going to list every single item (although, if you read above you’ll see everything that’s included), but it includes:
All needed editable graphics, sign-ups and communications to the Adopter (adults in your church) and Adoptees (graduating Seniors) to gather the correct information, enlist the needed people and communicate through the entire year.

This is one of the most complete products on DYM. Wow!

But wait!

This resource is also part of DYM's Senior Super Pack! While you're more than welcome to purchase this resource individually, it also comes in a massive 9-resource bundle for 50% off! For just $25 you can pick up 9 great resources to help your seniors finish strong and be prepared for high school. Send them out with a bang and get the Senior Super Pack today.

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).