What is DYM
Youth Group
For Youth Workers,
by Youth Workers
How DYM works
How does DYM
We collect the best material from the youth ministry community and make it even better.
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Youth workers create and submit their trench-tested resources to DYM
Youth workers, like you, create a resource for their own ministry...and if it’s a “hit” they submit it to us! Rather than leave a winning resource on their hard drive, the youth worker shares the resource with DYM so other youth workers can benefit from their hard work. Games, videos, sermons, curriculum, ministry calendars… you name it, if it works and will save youth workers time, we want it!

DYM turns quality submissions into amazing resources
The DYM gatekeepers--which are made up of veteran youth workers and a few grammar nerds--evaluate the submissions and then edit the most helpful resources that make the cut (only the best make it to the editing stage). The goal is to take each great resource and make it as user-friendly as possible so another youth worker can adapt it to their ministry context with ease.
The best resources are shared with youth workers around the world!
After a resource is finalized we make it available for you and thousands of other youth workers at a crazy, low price on the DYM store. Authors of those resources get up to 50% of the royalties which many have used to pay medical bills, take vacations, support a side hustle, and even adopt a kid (all true stories)! We are honored to be part of helping youth workers win in any way we can!
Trench-tested resources
Relevant, high quality, ready-to-use or tweak, and affordable.

Now that you know...

Start Shopping
You can find thousands of youth ministry resources! Games, sermons, curriculum, social media assets, countdown videos… we’ve got WHAT you need WHEN you need it!

Become an Author
Do you have an awesome youth ministry resource that was a hit in your own group? If so, become an author by submitting your resources!
Learn MoreWho is DYM
Doug, Josh
& You!
Doug Fields and Josh Griffin:
Doug and Josh are lifelong youth workers who also happen to be the co-founders of Download Youth Ministry. With 60+ years of youth ministry experience between the two of them, they bring expertise and fun to every part of DYM.
“We value quality tools that save us time so we can spend more time ministering to students, volunteers and parents.”
Youth Workers around the world:
Every DYM resource is authored by a youth worker (just like you, from around the world!) and vetted by seasoned youth workers. We value the diversity that comes from a variety of youth ministry voices working together.

More about
Doug & Josh

Doug Fields
Doug Fields has almost 40+ years of youth ministry experience and is currently the Pastor of Youth Ministries at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA. He’s the author of 50+ books (including Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, Speaking to Teenagers, and Your First 2 Years in Youth Ministry), co-founder of DownloadYouthMinistry.com and a consultant for Youth Specialties, The HomeWord Center for Youth & Family, and ThinkOrange.com.

Josh Griffin
Josh Griffin has 25 years of experience in the trenches of youth ministry and is currently serving as the Junior High Pastor at Mariners Church. He’s co-founder of DownloadYouthMinistry.com, a consultant for Youth Specialties and ThinkOrange.com and a popular speaker and host for youth ministry events around the country. He’s the author of several books including 99 Thoughts about Small Groups… and he owns a Star Wars website to show he’s well-rounded.