Zacchaeus: The Outsider

Zacchaeus: The Outsider

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Zacchaeus was not just rich, snobby, and short, but he was also an outsider. In this one-off message, your students will be challenged to love outsiders like Jesus loved Zacchaeus.


The story of Zacchaeus is much more than some rich, snobby, and short guy coming to faith and giving away his cash. In this one-off message, students will learn how Zacchaeus was an outsider and that we need to love the outsider like Jesus loved Zacchaeus!

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript (Word file)
• Small group guide (Word file)
• Graphics package with title, background, social slides (jpeg & psd files [Photoshop required for editing])


Ben Lock

Ben is husband, dad, campus minister, and author! He loves backpacking, adventuring, photography, and graphic design. Basically, getting to see the creative beauty of Jesus and then getting to be creative.