Youth Ministry in a Hyper-Connected and Over-Scheduled Society

Youth Ministry in a Hyper-Connected and Over-Scheduled Society

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An e-book that examines the hyper-connected and over-scheduled world our students live in, and the resulting implications for effective youth ministry.


We live in a hyper-connected and over-scheduled society. This has led to many questions from those in the world of youth ministry on how this recent shift towards hyper-connection and over-scheduling has impacted ministry to students. This e-book is based on research and an informal study that explored the causes and affects of this societal shift. More importantly, this informal study sought to explore how youth workers can best minister to students in the midst of this cultural shift that has affected so many aspects of their lives.

This 50 page e-book was based on Derek’s master’s degree thesis.

Did you know Derek has other resources in the DYM store? Find them here.


Derek Parson