You Have To Pick One - Eat! Chat! Drive! Edition

You Have To Pick One - Eat! Chat! Drive! Edition

GOLD members pay $3.57

In this hilarious, engaging game (or mixer), students chose the most desirable of three choices involving eating, chatting, or driving!


In this hilarious, engaging game (or mixer), students are presented with three choices and have to choose which is the most desirable between eating, chatting, or driving. If you play this as a stage game, the fun begins when players have to convince everyone else why their choice is the right one. As they turn on the charm to debate and defend their pick, others can either agree or challenge the reasoning. Points or prizes only get awarded if the player wins the majority over.

Looking to use this as a mixer? No problem! Just lead the conversation from the front and let students turn to someone next to them or find someone they don't know to create a connection.

Which choices will win out? You have to pick one!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (15 questions + icebreaker + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
You can also use this as a way to get to know a leader or student by making the room have to guess his/her choice and match it before he/she reveals it.
Tony Myles

Tony Myles

Tony Myles is a ministry veteran, personal coach/consultant, conference speaker, teaching pastor and author who leads a next generation movement and leadership development at Riverside Church in Big Lake, MN. He's also raising up future leaders as an adjunct professor at Crown College... and he really like smoothies.