You Belong Here

You Belong Here

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This two-week series looks at both the prodigal son from the Gospel of Luke and Isaiah's encounter with God to help students understand how much God loves them and how they matter in His story.


Everyone wants to feel significant, to know they matter and are loved. This two-week series looks at the way we fit into God's story and the lengths Jesus has gone to so we would know we are loved.

Week 1 - ""You Matter in God's Story"" looks at the way Jesus has taken the first step toward us. Using the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32, your students will discover the role emotions play in our journey and how God has called them significant. And together as we journey together, we are called help others know they matter to Jesus. 

Week 2 - ""You are Loved"" aims to reveal how experiencing God's awesomeness leads us to see how much He loves us. Through Isaiah's encounter with God in Isaiah 6:1-8, your students will see how Jesus rescues us when nobody else could and then invites us to share His love with others.

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This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Title, content, and social graphics (jpeg files)



Rob Chagdes