Would You Rather: Trick-or-Treat Edition

Would You Rather: Trick-or-Treat Edition

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Invite students to focus on the fun, not-so-scary side of Halloween through this hilarious icebreaker!


This hilarious icebreaker invites students to focus on the fun, not-so-scary side of Halloween! The rules couldn't be simpler: students pick the choice on the left or right side of the screen and either tell someone next to them their answer or move from one side of the room to the other. 

With 15 Halloween-themed prompts, students will have a variety of topics and conversation-starters to dive into, all of which lean to more of the lighthearted, creative side of the holiday rather than spooky. From exploring which fruit would make the better replacement for a pumpkin to discussing what the BEST kind of Halloween costume is, students and leaders alike can look forward to building a strong community with one another while laughing and making memories along the way!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (15 Q&A + instructions + end slide) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
If you're looking to create conversation, another way to play is to invite pairs of students and leaders to come on stage and defend the different sides they choose. After "debating" in 15 seconds why their side is the better option, the audience can vote on who made the stronger case. However you choose to play, it's sure to be a fun time!
Joshua Myles

Joshua Myles

Hi! I'm Joshua. I grew up blessed by a great youth ministry and I'm excited I've gotten to contribute something to it! As I've grown from being a student leader, to volunteer, to intern, to resident, I've enjoyed taking each step with God. I'm pursuing my Master's of Divinity at Crown College while serving on the multi-site Student Ministry team at Riverside Church in Big Lake, Minnesota... and I also like smoothies!