Which Is Worse?

Which Is Worse?

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Students must choose between two equally terrible options.


Choices. Sometimes, even when we have them, we don’t want either! In this screen game, your students are asked to pick which is the worst choice when given two options… but both are awful! Which is worse? Bees or mosquitos? Bad grammar or grammar police? Ruining your favorite shirt or getting a bad haircut?

Play the game in a “This Way or That Way” style (Check out the original here: http://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop/this-way-or-that-way) having students move to the opposite sides of the room, or have table groups or small groups discuss what they choose. This can also be a fun ice breaker!

This resource includes:
• PowerPoint file
• Instruction Slide
• All .jpg slides for easy integration (Enough for 10 rounds)

For more sermon series and games by Ken, click here!


Ken Leslie