Which is the Bigger Red Flag?

Which is the Bigger Red Flag?

GOLD members pay $3.57

In this screen-driven mixer, students will debate which of the often silly, sometimes serious options is the worst red flag on a date!


If your students have ever been on a date, they know to look out for potential ""red flags."" So, let's take those awkward, cringy moments and make them into a game!

This game functions best as a mixer to get students talking, debating, and laughing with one another. During the game, two potential ""red flags"" will pop up on the screen; your students' job is to decide which would be the worst red flag if they were on the date!

You can have students move from one side of the room to the other to vote and mingle, or you can have them stay in their seats and talk with those around them. Once you've given them some time, poll a student from each side to share why their option was the bigger red flag!

This game works great alongside a teaching series on relationships and dating, or you can bust it out for a not-so-lovey Valentine's Day. 

Plus, if you'd rather use this game over social media instead of in person, you can! It comes with images to use in Instagram Stories--you just need to add the poll!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Questions + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Individual (10 Questions - instructions) game slides formatted for Instagram Stories (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Pair this game as a mixer during a dating teaching series or around Valentine's Day. If you want to level it up, poll your leaders (or even your students) in advance to get their real-life red flag date scenarios so you can all laugh (or cringe) about them during the game. Again, do it in advance to avoid giving a student a mic for them to blast their ex :)
Griffin Swihart

Griffin Swihart

Griffin is the Director of High School Ministry at Trinity Church in Plymouth, MI. He loves Jesus, his family, high school ministry, and Taco Bell. He’s a proud member of the Westside Youth Workers Network in SE Michigan.