Where Is Your Focus?

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Have students truly lost the ability to focus? Or is it the object of their focus that is the main concern? In this one-off message, you'll lead students to understand that Jesus is the only one who can save them from the struggles of this world.

If you'd like to see a sample of this lesson, click here!


Many people say that students have lost the ability to focus, but I'm not sure I believe this. Let's be real: they can focus on video games or social media for hours. Does the problem actually lie with their inability to focus? Or is the problem more so with the object of their focus? This one-off message and small group guide will help students understand that their primary focus needs to be on Jesus because He is the only one who can save them from the struggles of this world.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript (Word File)
  • Small group guide (Word File)
  • Title, content, and social media promotional graphics (jpeg files)


Kayla Jeffers

Kayla Jeffers