Where's the Ball - Football Edition

Where's the Ball - Football Edition

GOLD members pay $3.57

In this screen game, see if your students can tell which football is the REAL football. But watch out... It's harder than you think!


That's right, we're back with the next installment in the deceptively simple, yet surprisingly frustrating screen game... WHERE'S THE BALL?!!

With this game, you'll be asking your students to do something that sounds relatively simple, but ends up being a lot harder than it sounds. Just pick which one of the footballs is actually the real football. No problem, right? Right...

And if you're still on the fence, check out what others have said about previous editions of Where's the Ball after playing with their students:

• "Our kids LOVE this series. It's so easy, so fun and the pics are incredible and sometimes hilarious." - Josh G.
• "Perfect plug and play game. Easy yet challenging! These are the best kind." - Isaac L.
• "Super clever... love this!" - Doug F.
• "My only concern for this game was that it'd be too easy for high schoolers. It actually wasn't as easy as I thought. Well done." - Jason V.

This Resource Includes:

  • Individual (10 Q&A) game slides (jpg files)
  • Title Slide (jpg file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Printable answer sheets (Word, jpeg & pdf files)
  • Answer key (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
"You could easily use these as an upfront game, as a move around the room to vote game, or you can play it as a quiz by printing the included answer sheets. If you do this, you’ll want only to show the “question” slides and have your students fill in their answers. Then have them swap answer sheets and grade each other! Plus, each round gets progressively more difficult, so it works perfectly as a crowd-based elimination game."
Josh Boldman

Josh Boldman

Josh is a Student Pastor in Illinois. He has a DYM Gold Membership that he uses all the time... he also has a gym membership that he has yet to actually use...