What's Next? Seeing a Movement of God

What's Next? Seeing a Movement of God

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In this practical, one-off message students will be challenged with three ways we can see a movement of God where we live, study, and play from John 2.


How can we see a move of God in our cities, in our lives, and in our churches?

In this practical, one-off message students will be challenged with three ways we can see a movement of God where we live, study, and play from John 2:1-11.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Complete message manuscript (Word file)
  • Small group guide (Word file)
  • Title with tagline, Title with no tagline, and blank content slide graphics (jpeg files)
  • Instagram Square and Story graphics (jpeg files)

Note from Author

About this Product
This message works well at the start of a new season but can be adapted to use at any time during the year.

McLeod Best