Volunteer On-Boarding Process

Volunteer On-Boarding Process

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Make sure all of your volunteer leaders are onboarded and trained as they join your team from the get-go.


Doug's note: This type of resource is so valuable. Don't have to start from scratch. Can easily adapt to your setting.

One of the most important things in your ministry is your volunteers. You want to make sure when you recruit new ones, they are onboarded and trained properly to help you do better ministry.

This resource will help you do just that. With this step-by-step process, you'll move your volunteer leaders from initial interest to trained and ready to lead in your ministry. Follow it and you will have leaders who are confident in leading from the get-go.

This Resource Includes:
• Volunteer leader process overview (Word file)
• Leader guide including welcome letter (Word file)
• Volunteer interview process checklist (Word file)
• When a potential volunteer isn't a right fit (Word file)
• Setting up leaders on DYMU (Word file)
• Youth leader expectations (Word file)
• DYMU/background checklist spreadsheet (xlsx file)

Justin Knowles

Justin Knowles

Director of Youth at Sandals Church. Host of Youth Ministry Hacks Podcast.