VIVA: Catalyst

VIVA: Catalyst

GOLD members pay $6.82
4-week curriculum on getting unstuck…


What causes us to move when we’re stuck? What helps us to realize a change is needed? What inspires us to live more fully into our identity as God’s beloved? Catalysts.

A catalyst can be defined as “a condition, event, or person that is the cause of an important change.” As followers of Jesus, we can either choose to ignore the catalysts in our lives that move us closer to Christ, or we can embrace the messiness of change.

This VIVA! series will have your group examine how catalysts in scripture demonstrate real-life implications for us as they talk and explore.

Week 1: Peter’s Vision: What happens when everything you thought was rigid and true opens up into freedom and new possibilities? Explore the vision God gives to Peter in Acts 10 and its complicated results involving supposedly unclean visitors.

Week 2: The Bleeding Woman: Sometimes a catalyst in one’s life comes at a low point: a time of isolation, sadness, confusion, or deep need—yet help may be just an arm’s length away.

Week 3: The Rich Young Ruler: When presented with a catalyst, it is entirely possible to ignore it and walk away.

Week 4: Nicodemus: It might do us all a lot of good to look at the long game when it comes to the catalysts in our faith and trust that forward movement, even if slow at times, is still movement toward God.

About Viva
Includes 4 lessons, instructions, and two slide templates for PowerPoint, Keynote, MediaShout, ProPresenter or another display system.

Viva is a series of short, downloadable, curriculum resources. Whether you are looking for a last minute lesson plan or ideas to add into your teaching, Viva is designed for youth workers leading the revolution.

DYM Team

DYM Team

Llama-tested, youth ministry approved! Resources by the DYM Team are trench-tested, high-quality, and stand up to the DYM L.L.A.M.A. standards: Looks great, Laughs guaranteed, Actually used in real youth groups, Made with love, And...we ran out of things for the acronym but you get the point.