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A classic spelling bee game where students must spell complicated Valentine's Day-associated words correctly.


Sometimes, the best Valentine's-themed game is putting a loving twist on a classic competition. Valentine's Spelling Bee is exactly that type of game. Students are challenged to spell 10 complicated Valentine's-themed words correctly. 

This game can be played multiple ways:

1. Up-front Elimination: (classic Spelling Bee)
Bring 2-3 students to the stage who want to show off their spelling abilities. Have them face the crowd so they cannot see the screen. Project the word on the screen and have one student spell the word. If they spell it correctly, they move on. If incorrect, they are out. Last student standing wins (or if multiple are still in declare them all spelling champions).

2. Up-front Scoreboard: 
Bring 2-6 students up front. Give each students a mini-whiteboard and marker or 10 sheets of paper and a marker. Have them face the crowd so they cannot see the screen. Project the word on the screen. Have each student write out how they think the word is spelled, then display it to the crowd. Student with the most right at the end is the winner. 

3. All-Play Individual Game:
Hand out answer sheets and a pencil/pen to everyone. Host displays the definition slide and tells the crowd what the word. Students write the word on the answer sheet. Reveal the answer. Students track the number of correct answers.

4. All-play Group Game: 
Play the exact same way as the Individual game, except have students break into smaller groups. The group works together and writes their answer on a single answer sheet.

This Resource Includes:

  • Gameplay instructions document (Word file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file for up-front gameplay
  • Complete PowerPoint game file for all-play gameplay
  • Individual (10 Rounds) game slides for up-front gameplay (jpeg files)
  • Individual (10 Q&A) game slides for all-play gameplay (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
The host can add to the "intensity" of the competition by reading out the definition and stating the word multiple times.
Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).