Useless Trivia Round Seven

Useless Trivia Round Seven

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57

We all know some useless trivia ... those bits of information we have no need for but know anyway! But who among your students knows the most useless trivia?


We all know some useless trivia... those bits of information we have no need for but know anyway! But who among your students knows the most useless trivia? How much did a gallon of gas cost in 1957? How many calories does a mouse eat in a week? How many songs did Elvis Presley sing with the word ""blue"" in the title? It's all so random and yet bizarrely fascinating... and it completely levels the playing field!

Each trivia question comes with a fun fact or two on the answer slide - students will get a kick out of these obscure facts!

You can have students write their answers on a paper and see who gets the most right, play it as an upfront game with a few students, or play it as an elimination with the whole group where they raise a finger to signify their answer and sit if they're wrong. The last one standing wins!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Matthew McNutt

Matthew McNutt

Matthew and Heather have been in full time youth ministry for over twenty years. He is also a speaker, author, and ministry coach. They have four sons ranging from 15 to 22 years old, which means the majority of their time is spent buying food and replacing broken furniture. You can find all of Matthew's DYM resources here: