UNSCRAMBLE: Halloween Edition

UNSCRAMBLE: Halloween Edition

GOLD members pay $3.90

Players compete to unscramble common Halloween-related words and phrases the fastest. Perfect for larger groups or individual contestants! Includes relatable Halloween events, activities, and phrases everyone will know! Great for the fall season, the week of Halloween, Trunk or Treat events, and more!


Players compete to unscramble common Halloween-related words and phrases the fastest. Perfect for larger groups or individual contestants! Includes relatable Halloween events, activities, and phrases everyone will know! Great for the fall season, the week of Halloween, Trunk or Treat events, and more! 

This screen game works great with individual contestants or in divided teams scoring points to win! One person from each team can be elected to run up to the bell for a chance to answer once their team has come up with the answer together.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file (jpeg file)
  • Individual (10 rounds + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Blank slides for customization (jpeg file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Play game show style! A buzzer or bell can be set up to make this game even more competitive. Contestants need to be the first to ring the bell before they can solve the prompt. For larger teams, one person can be elected to run up to the bell for a chance to answer once their team has come up with the answer together.
Alexis Brianna

Alexis Brianna

Alexis is a wildlife biology major by day and a DYM author by night, who loves to procrastinate her real work by making DYM games. She’s a fan of all things Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars—especially The Clone Wars. Currently playing Halo Infinite.