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GOLD members pay $3.57
A simple and fun slide-driven game that combines turkey trivia and costumes.


Want a fun and creative way to celebrate Thanksgiving or Turkey-Day and have fun at the same time? This is an awesome game that combines random turkey related trivia with a fun twist.

In this game, students will compete in a multiple-choice trivia game that will test their turkey knowledge and Thanksgiving related trivia, but there’s a twist. When a team or person loses, they must add a turkey accessory to be gradually dressed up as a turkey. Try this creative game and get all students involved!

This Resource Includes:
• User Guide
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (6 Q&A + Tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
• Title slide (jpeg file)

Richard Fleck

Richard Fleck

Richard (Bobby) has been in ministry for 20+ years as a youth pastor, family pastor, and associate pastor. Richard, Tiffini, and their triplet eleven-year-old daughters live in Ringgold, GA. Richard is an Ordained Pastor. He holds a M.Div. and a B.A.