TRUE or FALSE 2024: Sports, Games and Wacky Contests!

TRUE or FALSE 2024: Sports, Games and Wacky Contests!

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Get your WHOLE ROOM engaged and shouting "NO WAY!" as they recall 2024’s most unique stories about sports, games and wacky contests!


What were the SPORTS, GAMES and CRAZY CONTESTS that dominated the headlines of 2024?  Get your group guessing in this TRUE or FALSE game that’ll have them searching online to read the rest of these wild stories! 

There are so many ways to play:

- Stage Smackdown: Bring two players up for a dramatic head-to-head battle of wits.

- Students vs. Leaders: Who knows more about what happened— adults or youth?

- Room-Wide Competitive Mixer: Have everyone walk to one side of the room for ""true"" or the other for ""false,"" or stand for ""true"" and sit for ""false."" If they get it right, they stay in... if they botch it, they're out.

This game is the perfect mix of trivia and absurdity. Gather your group, bring the laughs, and let’s see who can tell what's TRUE or FALSE!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (16 Q&A + Tiebreaker + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Play this all year, or as a start to the new year!
Tony Myles

Tony Myles

Tony Myles is a ministry veteran, personal coach/consultant, conference speaker, teaching pastor and author who leads a next generation movement and leadership development at Riverside Church in Big Lake, MN. He's also raising up future leaders as an adjunct professor at Crown College... and he really like smoothies.