TRUE or FALSE: Heroic Edition

TRUE or FALSE: Heroic Edition

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How well do your students know (or can guess) superhero trivia? “I can do this all day,” they say? Prove it. Students vote TRUE or FALSE in this screen game.


How well do your students know (or can guess) about the superhero universe? “I can do this all day,” they say? Prove it. Students vote TRUE or FALSE in this screen game.

This is a game for all kinds of players, be it those who have seen all the hero movies and shows or others who only have outside knowledge of them. That's the beauty of TRUE or FALSE: even a guess has a good chance of being right.

You can play this on stage by having players come up for a face-off, or a round of ""students versus leaders."" One of the best ways to play this is to involve movement, like walking to one side of the room to indicate ""true"" and the other side to indicate ""false"" (or, ""Stand up if think this is true, and stay seated if you think it's false."")

This is a great game for all sizes of groups! Have fun!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (14 Q&A + tiebreaker + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
This is all about the fun of the game, so play some Avengers-esque music underneath to create more energy.
Tony Myles

Tony Myles

Tony Myles is a ministry veteran, personal coach/consultant, conference speaker, teaching pastor and author who leads a next generation movement and leadership development at Riverside Church in Big Lake, MN. He's also raising up future leaders as an adjunct professor at Crown College... and he really like smoothies.