Tribe of the One

Tribe of the One

GOLD members pay $6.01
A 3-week series focusing on community based on Hebrews


If a church can't build community, can it really be called a church? In this series, you’ll break down what it means to be a tribe of the One and how God created us for others.

Week 1: Far Not Fast is all about what it means to be a tribe.
Week 2: A Tribe Will Fight is all about how a tribe will fight for its people.
Week 3: A Tribe Will Dream is about how a tribe will dream God-sized dreams and lead the future together.

This series is perfect for strengthening your small groups or even launching small groups.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
• Small group guides for each week (Word files)
• Graphics package including series theme slides (jpg files)
• Video package with Instagram promo, and series intro (mp4 files)


Sam Pettersen