Trade Up

Trade Up

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Trade is a four-part series about taking our current circumstances and trading them up to experience bigger and better.


Trade Up is all about taking our current circumstances and trading them up to experience bigger and better.


Week 1 - "Don't Settle"

We were not designed to live our lives constantly questioning ourselves. We were designed to trust that with God behind us, there is nothing we can't accomplish or overcome.


Week 2 - "Fight for Bigger and Better"

When God calls you to something bigger and better you are going to have to make some sacrifices.


Week 3 - "Relationships With Depth"

Relationships with depth are found in atmospheres where we can grow and learn about who we are in Christ.


Week 4 - "Time to Trade Up"

To have a deeper relationship with God we have to be willing to trade up time doing other things, for more time with God.



• Four complete teaching manuscripts (Word files)

• Unedited Student Group Booklet (PDF file)

• Unedited Leaders Guide Booklet. (PDF file)


This 4 week series is also a great one to use for a weekend retreat (where the author originally used it).


Find more teaching resources from Brent in the DYM store by clicking here.


Brent Wernsing