Toxic or Tasty Game

Toxic or Tasty Game

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
In this screen game, students “taste and see” if the items on-screen are toxic or tasty!


"Toxic or Tasty" is a screen game that will test your students mental taste buds. Students will choose whether something is toxic or tasty! This game could be a silly, fun way to start off a lesson on Ps. 34:8, "…taste and see the Lord is good..."

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 Q&A) game slides (jpeg files)
• Title slide (jpeg files)
- Bible verse slide for short devotional opportunity (jpeg file)
- Video loop (mov file)


Dan Istvanik

Dan Istvanik, is a 27+ year veteran youth worker. He is currently a Family Pastor, just outside of Chicago. You can find out more about him and find other resources at his website: