Tinted:The Game

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Get students moving & debating with Tinted:The Game! Pick your favorite item (Green or Pink), track your choices, and see which team you’re on. Fun, fast, & high-energy!


Are you team 'Pink' or team 'Green'? If you're not sure now, you will be by the end of this game! 

Looking for a game that gets students moving, laughing, and debating their choices? 'Tinted:The Game' is the perfect way to break the ice, energize a room, and spark friendly competition!

This interactive, high-energy game presents players with two options on the screen—one Green and one Pink. The challenge? They must move to the side of the room that represents their choice! With over 12 pairings featuring silly, fun, and sometimes tough decisions, students track how many times they choose each color. At the end, they'll discover whether they belong to Team Green or Team Pink!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint/Keynote game file
  • Individual (12 choice pairings) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Have one student come to the front and write down on a small dry erase board what they think the majority will pick and then see if they are right. OR have the group move to the side of the room the student up front would choose for themselves. there are so many ways to play!
Steven Dallwig

Steven Dallwig

Steve Dallwig is the Pastor of Student & Family Ministries at Chapelgate Church outside of Baltimore, MD and has been working with students & families for over 35 years.