George S. Patton once said, ""If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."" Think Different is a fast-paced game that will have your students trying to work together by being opposites.
Played with pairs or teams, each round has a video slide with a built-in timer. On the screen, the pair will see a word with missing letters. They will have 15 seconds to each write down a word using the letters available by filling in the blanks. The catch is that they can't communicate to each other what they are writing. If either can't come up with a word, they lose. If they write the same word, they lose. If they write a different word, then they win.
You can pair partners against other partners and award points, pick different pairs each round, or even play with larger groups and make it really difficult.
See how well your students work together while trying to think different!
This Resource Includes:
- Individual (11 rounds + tiebreaker) video clips (mp4 files)
- Instructions slide (jpeg file)
- Title video clip (mp4 file)
- Title slide (jpeg file)