Thieves Sneaky Sins that Steal Your Joy

Thieves Sneaky Sins that Steal Your Joy

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This four-week series based on John 10:10 will take a look at some specific thieves that try to steal our joy.


Editor's Note: Ken delivers here again in his consistently solid and well-written content. This is a really fun series idea, love the title and the bumper video is incredible as well!  

In the midst of momentum and spiritual growth, the thief is liable to sneak in and start to steal away the joy that is growing.

This four-week series is based on John 10:10. Jesus wants to give us the best life, but the thief wants nothing more than to steal and kill and destroy us.

Each week we look at a sneaky sin that creeps into our lives. The goal is not to teach a moral lifestyle, but rather how to stay vigilant to the enemy's desires to ruin our life.

Week One: The Best Life. This message focuses on the overall series goal and spends most of the time on John 10:10. Before knowing the thief's tricks, it is important to know that Jesus wants so much more for us!

Week Two: Pride. Using Genesis 3, we can see that Satan tempts us with pride. Selfishness is really the root of sin.

Week Three: Gossip. Relationships are damaged when we give in to gossip, but even more, we hurt ourselves. Many passages from Proverbs are here.

Week Four: Comparison. This message works through Genesis 4 with Cain and Abel's story. True satisfaction can only be found in God.

To preview a sample of this content, click here.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • PowerPoint presentation file for each week
  • Student handouts for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Graphics package including title, content, and social (jpeg files)
  • Bumper video (mp4)




Note from Author

About this Product
It was fun to play games like Mafia (or Among Us) and Steal the Bacon to go along with the sneaky thief motif.

Ken Leslie