The Waking Dead

The Waking Dead

GOLD members pay $8.12
A 3-week sermon series about resurrections in the Bible.


The Waking Dead is a series about resurrections. But, not only is it about people that are awakened from the dead, it is a series about a power greater than us that has the ability to bring life to something that isn’t living. God holds the power of resurrection and eternity. Death isn’t final. Death doesn’t win. This is a series about God’s power and the hope of eternity with Him through His resurrection power.

Series includes:

    - 1200-1600 word transcript of each message (Word files)
1) Lazarus 2) Eutychus 3) Jesus
    - Ideas for games & video illustrations within each message
    - Power Point file for each week with customizable blank slides (jpg)
    - Square Instagram Promos for each week (jpg)
    - Series promos for publication and social media (jpg) [comes with entire series only]


John Kryvoruka