The Student Pastor's Guide to Weddings

The Student Pastor's Guide to Weddings

GOLD members pay $6.82
AH! You've been asked to do a wedding! Now what? Read this, and fear no more.


Doug’s note: I needed this 30 years ago. Dang! I love stuff like this that serves as an example, saves time, and guides leaders to be more effective. Kuddos Ronald. Worth 5x this price.

As a student pastor, you'll probably be doing this long enough to have students eventually graduate and then get married! And they may even ask YOU to perform their ceremony, which is really cool!

Except you've never done one before.

Fear not! This great resource was created to help you be totally prepared for your first (and second, and third, and fourth …) wedding!

This Resource Includes:
• A list of questions you should ask the bride and groom to prepare for the ceremony and rehearsal.
• A step-by-step guide to running the wedding rehearsal on your own.
• A ceremony you can edit and send to the future bride and groom so they can choose what is said when.
• A sample ceremony that really happened!


Ronald Long

Youth Pastor in Texas and Co-Host of The Middle School Ministry Podcast in the DYM Network