The Stormtrooper Cameo Game

The Stormtrooper Cameo Game

GOLD members pay $5.52
In this screen game, you will have your group guessing which pop culture icon has donned the classic white armor and is immortalized as a Star Wars Stormtrooper!


If you have ever seen a Star Wars movie or show then chances are you have seen a stormtrooper. Did you know that under that classic white armor there might reside one of your favorite actors or musicians? In this game, you will have your group guessing which pop culture icon has donned the classic white armor and is immortalized as a Stormtrooper!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (11 Qs + 11As + instructions) game videos (mp4 files)
  • Individual (11 Qs + 11As + instructions) game slides (jpg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
• Add an extra level of spice to this game by having your group split into two groups and line the back of your space. When the question goes up on the screen, each group can send one player with what they believe to be the correct answer. Have a pool noodle up at the front and have the players race to grab the noodle and strike down the host of your game in an awesome Jedi or Sith lightsaber move. First to do this gets the chance to answer the question.
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