The Stop Game

The Stop Game

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
In this Sidekick 'Pick Me' game, participants attempt to 5000 without losing everything. 🚀🚀🚀


🚀🚀🚀 The internet phenomenon now live on stage! With this SideKick 'Pick Me' game, see how close your students can get to 5,000 without losing everything!! 🚀🚀🚀

All your students will have to do is decide if they want to risk everything to keep getting a higher score. And in the end, the player with the score closest to 5,000 is the winner! 

Start by calling a few students up to the front.

• Press the "SPIN" button.
• Press the "STOP" when the first player says stop.
• Have the player write down their number (on a whiteboard, or a scorecard of some kind)
• Repeat these steps for each player.

• Remind the player of their previous score
• Ask the player if they want to risk spinning again to try to get closer to 5,000
• If they say "no," then their current score is their final score.
• If they say "yes," then they get to spin again.
     - If their new number is LOWER than their old number, then their new number is their final score, and they are done for the game.
     - if their new number is HIGHER than their old number, then their new number is their new score, and they get to continue to the next round.
• Repeat for each player that is still in the game.

• The winner is whichever player is closest to 5000 after everyone is out of the game.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Sidekick 'Pick Me' game file
  • Title & background slides (jpeg files)

Note from Author

About this Product
This game is #STONKS (pro-tip: don't say #STONKS around your students unless you're prepared for the eye-rolls that will follow).
Josh Boldman

Josh Boldman

Josh is a Student Pastor in Illinois. He has a DYM Gold Membership that he uses all the time... he also has a gym membership that he has yet to actually use...