The Sky is Falling - Drive Thru Edition

The Sky is Falling - Drive Thru Edition

GOLD members pay $5.20

Think you can count these drive-thru foods as they fall from the sky? Yeah, we thought so, too... until we tried it!


In this video-based game, your students will be asked to count the number of times a specific drive-thru food falls from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen. While the concept seems pretty simple, the game gets more and more complicated as you go!

Not only is this game a guaranteed win with your group; it's super flexible, so you can choose how you want to play:

• Play it as an upfront game - Bring up two or three students at a time, and have all three write down their answers on a small whiteboard. Then whoever gets it right stays. The others get replaced by new contestants.

• Play it as a higher-lower-equal game - Bring up one student to make the first guess. Then have the rest of the room vote on whether they think the actual answer is higher than, lower than, or equal to the answer that the student on stage gave.

• Play it as a quiz - Print the included Answer Sheets and give one to each student. Then remove the "answer" videos from your presentation. Show each of the "question" videos and have your students fill in their answers. After the last question, have a leader collect all of the answer sheets and grade them so that you can reveal the winner at the end of the night.

And those are just a few suggestions. The possibilities are literally endless!

Plus, check out what youth leaders have said about other versions of "The Sky Is Falling":
• “My students loved this game. Definitely got them emotionally charged and invested (which is rare for our students)!” - Kyle
• "Solid game and great switch up from the traditional screen games." - Ryan
• "Winner, give me another!" - Josh G.
• "This game is great!" - Carrie S.

This Resource Includes:

  • Slides (.jpg and .mp4)
  • Answer sheets (.jpg/.docx/.pdf)
  • Title slide (.jpg)
Josh Boldman

Josh Boldman

Josh is a Student Pastor in Illinois. He has a DYM Gold Membership that he uses all the time... he also has a gym membership that he has yet to actually use...