The Price is Wack 3

The Price is Wack 3

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
The kind of things people will buy on eBay is absolutely WACKY! Can your students guess the price of these insane animal-themed items? A five-minute countdown and game-only video versions are included.


It's the same great game but with all new content! (This time, animal-themed!)

In this game (5-minute countdown and game-only versions included), players try and guess how much these totally real items went for on eBay. See who can get the most answers correct or just play it as a regular countdown.

This is great for easing people into the room, starting conversations, and just having a fun fact-filled time! It's available with or without an indie rock backtrack depending on how you want to pump up the jams.

This Resource Includes:

  • Game video (~5-min) with music (mp4 file) 
  • Game video (~5-min) with sound effects only (mp4 file)
  • 5-minute countdown video with music (mp4 file)
  • 5-minute countdown video with sound effects only (mp4 file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
"There are so many ways to play! Here are three we've tried that work well: - Put everyone into small groups and have them elect team captains to record answers. The group closest to the real price wins a point! - Have everyone shout their guesses at the screen all at once! - Bring up representatives from each side of the room to go head-to-head in an estimation-off! Alternating between players with each question. (Works great for a big crowd.)"
Isaac Sutton

Isaac Sutton

Isaac is a freelance video editor who loves God and youth pastors! You can see some of his non-DYM work at