The Masterview

The Masterview

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An in-depth series on Jesus' parables and how they unlock our value, purpose, and a way home.


Jesus' parables are packed with power and deep meaning. They were simple stories that could be repeated instantly, but these stories were designed to give us a glimpse into the kingdom of God. When we look at these stories from the surface, we tend to overlook the deeper meanings of what Jesus is doing, and that is exactly what this series is about. Message Breakdown: Week 1 - Worth Everything – In this message, you'll break down four parables in Matthew 13 where Jesus tells us the value of the Kingdom of God using the parable of the seed and the sower, the mustard seed, the buried treasure, and the pearl of great value. Week 2 - The Catalyst – In this message, you'll break down how Jesus moves us from being spectators of the Kingdom to being world changers using the parable of salt, light, and the wheat field. Week 3 - Lost and Found – In this message, you'll break down three stories of three lost people and how each part of the Trinity is reaching out to find them in the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost child.

This Resource Includes: • Complete message manuscripts for each week (Word files)
• Small group guides for each week (pdf files)
• Intro videos for each week (mp4 files)
• Main graphic and blank graphic for slides (jpeg files)

Sam Pettersen