The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

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Four week follow-up curriculum to a retreat or great for small groups about the Kingdom of God.


This phrase, repeated throughout the Gospel of Matthew, was the central message of Jesus. Everything Jesus did was about the kingdom: his teaching showed how people may enter the kingdom (Matt 5:20), His miracles demonstrated that the kingdom was present (Matt 12:28), His parables illustrated truths about the kingdom (Matt 13:11), and when he taught his followers to pray His words included "your kingdom come, your will be done." (Matt 6:10). 

But, what exactly is "the kingdom?" What does it mean to belong to God's kingdom? This is the focus of this study. In "The Kingdom: Here and Now" students will be lead through 4 sessions that teach what God's kingdom is and will be, and what it means to be a citizen of that Kingdom. 

Much of what Jesus teaches about God's Kingdom is found in the parables, and that's where this study focuses in the Scriptures. Each lesson looks closely at one or two of the kingdom parables within the Gospel of Matthew Our hope is that students will gain a firm grasp of the concept of the Kingdom of God and their role in it, while also learning about the parables themselves.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Series Overview (Word Doc)
    • Series Prep for Leaders
    • How to Use this Curriculum
    • Series Intro for Students
  • Week 1: The Kingdom Come - Parable of the Tenants, Matt 21:33-42 (Word Doc) 
  • Week 2: The Kingdom's Cost - Parable of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price, Matt 13:44-46 (Word Doc)
  • Week 3: The Kingdom's Call - Parable of the Talents, Matt 13:25-30, 36-43 (Word Doc)

Jeremy Best