The Kingdom of God is Here - A Spoken Word Piece

The Kingdom of God is Here - A Spoken Word Piece

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This is a "spoken word" video that can be used as a stand-alone resource during a Sunday service, a prelude to a sermon, or as a way to end a sermon. [Covers: Jesus giving a blind man sight, Jesus turning water into wine, Jesus feeding 5,000 and Jesus healing a leper.]


This is a "spoken word" video that can be used as a stand-alone resource during a Sunday service, a prelude to a sermon, or as a way to end a sermon. Regardless of when it is used, its purpose is to encourage the listeners that Jesus came to bring His Kingdom on Earth and He desires the Kingdom to advance through his disciples.

This Resource Includes:

  • Video (2:12min, mp4 file)

Author Profile Picture

Austenn Akers