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Challenge your students' Grinch knowledge with this Grinch-themed trivia screen game!


The Grinch story is a Christmas staple. Recent releases of this movie have reintroduced students to the timeless classic. Test your students' knowledge of all-things Grinch. This work well with a Christmas series on how Christ's example of generosity and sacrifice can keep us from becoming a Grinch.

Gameplay options:
• Have students answer in teams and tally up points
• Let individuals race forward with answers
• Choose contestants to compete on stage
• Students vs. Leaders
• Make it an all-play elimination game by having students form pairs or have everyone vote their answers, 4-corner style. Those with wrong answers are out.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 Q&A + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg slides)
• Title slide (jpeg file)

Stephen Law

Stephen Law

Speaker | Success Coach | Author | Graphic Designer | Pastor | Husband | Father | The guy who can bring out the BEST in you and your ministry!