The Great Pickle Debate

The Great Pickle Debate

GOLD members pay $3.57
Are you ready to debate the question, “Do pickles belong on this?” Pick a side, count the votes, and declare a winner!


Do you love pickles or do you hate them? Do you have strong opinions about if they belong on cheeseburgers or pizza or ice cream? In this screen game, you will simply show the food and ask, "Do pickles belong on this?"

Students will vote. and then reveal the answer to the debate.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10Qs + 20As - both yes and no) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Bring a jar of pickles and give out pickles for really clever arguments in the debates.
Todd Pearage

Todd Pearage

Todd and his wife Lynda have created a ministry for youth pastors and spouses called The Youth Leader Oasis.