Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
A simple and fun elf-themed scavenger hunt that will get your youth up and moving.


A fun and simple scavenger hunt to get your students up and moving during the Christmas season! Participants will hunt for the names of 14 elves and attempt to find all the hidden elves to be awarded a prize. You'll hide the elves and students will record their findings. Students love this festive high energy game. It's time to find out where those Christmas elves are hiding!

This Resource Includes:
• Gameplay instructions document (Word file)
• The Great Elf Hunt print out of elves with names (Word file)
• The Great Elf Hunt answer key (Word file)
• The Great Elf Hunt answer sheet (Word file)
• Elf Hunt name tags for alternative option (Word file)


Jenna Bush