The Chronicler 1-2 Chronicles

The Chronicler 1-2 Chronicles

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"The Chronicler," a three-week series, revisits the stories of old with a new sense of purpose and a story of hope in God's love and promised redemption.


DOUG'S NOTE: Matthew McNutt is one of my favorite DYM authors! He always gives so much of himself--great content, clear references, bumper videos, handouts, small group questions, graphics... it's thoughtful and complete. Check this out and his other series--he's solid!

Often overlooked, 1-2 Chronicles is a powerful look back at the stories of Genesis through 2 Kings. The unknown author, simply known as ""The Chronicler,"" revisits the stories of old with a new sense of purpose and a story of hope in God's love and promised redemption. Telling the stories of David, Solomon, Josiah, and many others, with a touch of the epic, the Chronicler challenges the reader to learn from the past and take hope into the future.

This three-week series looks at three significant moments in Chronicles:

Week 1 - This Book is Not Safe. Looking at 1 Chronicles 17 and David's desire to build a temple, students are challenged with a call to action, to recognize Jesus as their King, and to choose their next step.

Week 2 -  Make It Up to Me Now. In 2 Chronicles 7, Solomon dedicated the temple. God challenged the people (and students) to humble themselves, pray, worship God, and turn to God's ways.

Week 3 - One Little Boy. The last strong king, Josiah, took the throne at only eight years old. Through his story, students confront three lies: (1) that they are too young, (2) they can't make a difference, and (3) that it's too late for forgiveness.

Each lesson includes video clip ideas, bumper videos that can be played in person or used online on social media, and game suggestions that can be purchased on DYM that tie to the theme.

To preview sample content, click here.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • PowerPoint presentation file for each week
  • Student handout (both filled in and with blanks) for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Graphics package with title, content, and social images (jpeg files)
  • 3 Bumper videos (mp4 files)


Matthew McNutt

Matthew McNutt

Matthew and Heather have been in full time youth ministry for over twenty years. He is also a speaker, author, and ministry coach. They have four sons ranging from 15 to 22 years old, which means the majority of their time is spent buying food and replacing broken furniture. You can find all of Matthew's DYM resources here: