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It’s the time to give thanks! Need a fun way to connect with your Volunteers? Students? Parents? Or whole Youth Group? Any of these 6 designs will do the trick! Just download, print, and write away.


It’s the time to give thanks! Need a fun way to connect with your Volunteers? Students? Parents? Or whole Youth Group? Any of these 6 designs will do the trick! Just download, print, and write away. A postcard is a great way to connect with leaders or reconnect and remind those you haven’t seen in a while. Let them know how thankful and grateful you are to have them in your Youth Group!

This Resource Includes:

  • 6 Thank You Postcard Designs (front and back) jpeg format
Amanda Freeman

Amanda Freeman

Amanda worked in youth ministry for 7 years in Orange County, teaching students how to use their creativity to serve. She now leads a 7th grade lifegroup & loves to create DYM content!