Thanksgiving Motion Animations

GOLD members pay $5.52
Thanksgiving service animations that will make your students want to party.


Doug's note: Boom! That's how it works... I will use every one of these saving me a bunch of time.

Use these service animations to make the Thanksgiving season a party. Need a dancing turkey to welcome students? We got you covered. Need it to rain pumpkin spice latte? We got that. Need a turkey to explode to let people know it's "Gametime"? Consider it done.

*no turkey was harmed in making these videos.

NOTE: This resource was selected to be part of DYM's 2019 Holiday Bundle! To check out that curated collection of GREAT resources to carry you through the holiday season of Thanksgiving through the New Year, click here!

This Resource Includes:
• 9 mp4 videos
- 3 Minute Countdown
- Welcome
- Gametime
- Announcements
- Offering
- Small Groups
- Worship
- Happy Thanksgiving
- No service


Sam Pettersen