Text Through the Bible

Text Through the Bible

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925 text devotionals for your students


In "Text Through The Bible" you'll get more text devotionals than you can shake a stick at! It includes 925 devotionals that can be sent as a text, twitter, or Facebook post to your students.

There are at least 10 from every book of the Bible and they are listed in order from Genesis to Revelation. Walk your students through books of the Bible with a daily text devotional or just use this a huge bank of ready to send texts to pull from.

Each text includes one verse, the reference and one quick thought or application for the student to do that day. Here are a couple examples:

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. Psalm 16:1. What do you need refuge from today? Go to God, he promises to keep you safe.

I wanted you to help because you were willing, not because you were forced. Philemon 1:14. How willing are you to help someone in need today?

Ryan Jantz