Super Emojis

Super Emojis

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In this Sidekick 'Emoji Hunt' game, students guess the Superhero based on the Emojis shown.


In this Sidekick 'Emoji Hunt' game, students guess the Superhero based on the Emojis shown.

You can play this fast-paced guessing game with your whole group, with leaders, anyone who likes to compete and knows even a little about Superheroes.

Instructions for Sidekick:
Select the movie you would like to display and then click spin. After a few seconds, click stop.
Students/leaders/anyone playing must be the first to guess the correct animated movie.

Gameplay options:
1. Upfront: Bring up a few contestants for a head-to-head challenge.
2. All-play: The first person to stand and give the correct answer gets a prize. (This is easier for a small to medium group size, as, with a larger group, it will be harder to judge who stood up first!)
3. Paper: Give each individual or group a sheet of paper. Go through the 10 questions and have individuals or teams write down their answers. Then, go through the answers. The person or team with the most correct answers wins. BONUS: Leave some emojis left for a tiebreaker! Have the tied individuals or one person from each tied team go to the front. The first​ to stand up and give correct answer wins.

This Resource Includes:
• Sidekick 'Emoji Hunt' game file
• Title and background slides (jpeg files)

Emoji Hunt Intro from Download Youth Ministry on Vimeo.


DJ Cronrath