In this video-based screen game, each question is a phrase related to Christmas, revealed one letter at a time, but the letters are also scrambled! The first participant/team to correctly guess the phrase wins the round!
For each puzzle, award points to the winning contestant or team based on how many blanks are left. Example: 4 blanks left = 4,000 points.
Gameplay options:
• Play in-person where players from each team come to the front and play against each other, or they can just shout out the answer.
• Play and pause the video to reveal one or two letters at a time; give teams or team members the chance to guess the answer, alternating between teams. Reveal letters until one team answers correctly.
• Play online; the first one to type the answer in the chat or text it in wins!
Includes static answer slides for use when a participant/team answers correctly well before the question video has finished.
This Resource Includes:
- Sidekick 'Presenter' game file
- Complete PowerPoint game file with videos
- Individual (10 Q&A) video clips (mp4 files)
- Instructions and answer slides (jpeg file)
- Title slide (jpeg file)
- Gameplay instructions (Word file)