Student Christmas Take Home Boxes

Student Christmas Take Home Boxes

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A take-home box for students with 8-days of envelopes to open leading up to Christmas. Each envelope contains a reading, a Scripture, and an ornament to cut out and hang on their tree. Each day walks students through how Jesus was Almighty God and Creator of all and also decided to humble Himself to become fully man and Servant of all, ending with our Humble King.


Doug's note: Brilliant. Such an easy win! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Out students' parents think I'm a genius when I use stuff like this. :) 

A take-home box for students with 8-days of envelopes to open leading up to Christmas. Each envelope contains a reading, a Scripture, and an ornament to cut out and hang on their tree.

Each day walks students through how Jesus was Almighty God & Creator of all and also decided to humble Himself to become fully man and Servant of all, ending with our Humble King.

Day 1- He Calls the Heavens His Home
Day 2- He was Born in a Manger
Day 3- He is King of All
Day 4- He is Servant of All
Day 5-  He is the Lion of Judah | The Savior
Day 6- He is the Lamb of God | The Sacrifice
Day 7- He is Raised in Power
Day 8 - He is our Humble King

This Resource Includes: 

  • Leader guide (Word file)
  • Idea list (Word file)
  • 8 Reading Cards (jpeg images)
  • 8 Scripture Cards (jpeg images)
  • 8 Ornament Cards (jpeg images)

Note from Author

About this Product
This is a great interactive activity for students to take home the week before Christmas. You can even use your social media or group texting to have students share feedback on how the envelope for that day has shaped their view of Christ coming down to Earth as a baby.
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Lori Bunk