Step Out, Mess Up, Re-Up

Step Out, Mess Up, Re-Up

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Peter lived the step-out, mess-up, and re-up type life; learn from his mistakes and restoration in this two-week message series.


We love Peter because he is a lot like us and how we walk with Jesus. He speaks up, steps out at times, says things that are wrong, messes up and fails, but is restored. Peter's life gives us hope as Jesus followers. This quick 2-week series will look at Peter's biggest triumph and his biggest fail and how Jesus restored him.

Use this series to challenge your students to step out for Jesus; to take risk and be first. The messages also challenge students to receive Jesus’ restora-tion and move forward in their walk with him.

Week 1 – Step Out of the Boat
Week 2 - Jesus Restores

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)

Justin Knowles

Justin Knowles

Director of Youth at Sandals Church. Host of Youth Ministry Hacks Podcast.