Starting Out Right

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A collection of resources to help your students deepen their faith commitment to follow Jesus


Getting the right start is important. Jesus warned against the danger shallow roots (Matt. 13:20-21) and Paul prayed for Ephesians and Colossians to deepen their spiritual roots so they wouldn't fall away (Eph. 3:17; Col. 2:7).

The tools in this resource were used for years at Saddleback Church to nurture and strengthen new spiritual commitments to Christ. The great news about this resource is that you can make as many copies as you want for your youth ministry.

Buy it once--multiply it many times.

This resource contains:
(a) A warm, welcoming letter inviting students to join a journey of spiritual growth.
(b) A three page teaching on what it means to come to faith, ending with a prayer to trust and follow Jesus.
(c) A six page personal Bible study exploring the Christian life, forgiveness, direction, and hope.
(d) A personal spiritual journal to help your students reflect on their experience and faith commitment.
(e) A simple teaching on the meaning of baptism.

As with all of our digital resources, you can edit everything to suit your ministry context and then make as many copies as you need.

Matt McGill